Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy articulates the principles and practices that It’s Better On The Road, a digital platform operated by Butterfly Effect, Inc., a Delaware corporation, adheres to in safeguarding your personal information. Our commitment to protecting your privacy is underscored by our systematic approach to collecting, using, disclosing, and managing your personal data.

How Your Data is Handled

Your personal data is processed by It’s Better On The Road only with your explicit consent, for fulfilling contractual obligations, or as permitted under legal provisions, particularly in alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our data handling procedures comply with relevant data protection and civil law statutes.

We limit the personal data we process to what is essential. Your IP address is captured for analytics purposes and is retained indefinitely to enhance site navigation and content delivery. Personal details, such as your name and email address submitted through comments or contact forms, are also stored indefinitely to facilitate communication and attribute comments to users.

1. Information Security

We employ Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption across our website to protect your data during transmission. We do not engage in selling data to third parties, including data aggregators and advertising networks. However, interactions with affiliate programs may lead to the placement of cookies on your device to track referrals. We may use automated spam detection services in comments which check the contents of new comments.

2. Embedded Content

Content embedded from other sites (e.g., videos, images, articles) on our platform behaves as though you have visited these third-party sites directly. These sites may collect data, use cookies, and monitor your interactions with embedded content, especially if you are logged in to their services.

3. Your Rights: Access, Rectification, and Erasure

If you posted a comment or contacted us through our consultation or contact forms, you may request to have your data deleted from our system. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes. To request that we delete your data as a result of a comment you made or your usage of our contact form, please send an email to our administrator using the information provided on our contact page.

You hold the right to obtain information on the personal data stored about you as well as correct, transfer, object to the processing of, or request the deletion of your personal data. Should you wish to exercise these rights, direct your requests to [email protected] or our contact form. In instances of data concerns or if you believe your data protection rights have been infringed, there is the possibility of filing a complaint with the appropriate regulatory authority.

4. Specific Data Use

We commit to processing your data solely for the purposes consented to by you, as stipulated in our contract, or as required by law. Anonymized data may be used for statistical analyses and excluded therefrom. 

5. Data Processing Office

For any inquiries or data-related requests, contact:

Butterfly Effect, Inc.
220 Emerald Vista Way, Unit 381
Las Vegas, NV 89144
Telephone: +1 (775) 273-8209
E-mail: [email protected]

6. Newsletters and Communication

Subscription to our newsletters requires your consent, which is confirmed via an email link. You may unsubscribe at any time using the link provided in our newsletters. All data in connection with sending the newsletter will be erased at the time of unsubscription.

7. Online Data Security

While we take significant measures to protect your data, complete security cannot be guaranteed over unencrypted channels. Data transmitted via HTTP, email and websites may be vulnerable to third-party access. We take all measures with our technology and processes to protect your data, but we cannot assume any liability for the security of data transmission across the internet or within third party services such as online form hosting services. 

8. Cookies Policy

Cookies enhance user experience by remembering your preferences. You can manage cookie settings in your browser to limit their use or to prevent their storage, although this may affect website functionality.

9. Analytics and Tracking

We use Google Analytics to analyze website usage, subject to IP anonymization to protect user privacy. You may opt-out of Google Analytics tracking with the appropriate browser plugin.

10. Third-Party Links

Our website contains links to other sites, for which this Privacy Policy does not apply. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites.

11. Policy Modifications

This Privacy Policy may be amended in accordance with legal requirements. The applicable version is the one available during your visit to our site.

12. Data Controller

For questions or to object to data processing, contact us using the details provided in the Data Processing Office section.

Your engagement with our platform implies acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms. For further assistance, please contact us directly.

Affiliates Disclosure

It’s Better On The Road through our corporation Butterfly Effect, Inc is a participant in several affiliate programs including Amazon, Revzilla, Cyclegear, and eBay Partner Network which grant us a commission when you buy a product and keep it.

It’s Better On The Road is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, It’s Better On The Road earns from qualifying purchases.Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates.

As a member of the eBay Partner Network (EPN), It’s Better On The Road may earn from qualifying purchases made on eBay. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc.